His Honour Alan Booth returns to Chambers as an Associate Tennant
With effect from 20th January 2025 His Honour Alan Booth has returned to Deans Court Chambers as an associate member to join the private Financial Dispute Resolution team.
Alanâs special area of expertise whilst at the bar and on the bench has been financial remedy work. Now that he has retired from the bench, he is available to help divorcing couples resolve their financial issues smoothly and privately by conducting private FDRs. He brings to this challenging work a unique skill set with significant experience of resolving difficult and complex cases. As a judge his workload has been High Court level financial disputes and appeals. He is also an accredited mediator.
For more information please contact the family clerks -
Andy Flannigan - Senior Family Clerk - aflannigan@deanscourt.co.uk -Â 0161 214 6012
Louise McCarty - Family Clerk - lmccarty@deanscourt.co.uk - 0161 214 6020
Gavin Reeves - Family Clerk - greeves@deanscourt.co.uk - 0161 214 6053

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