James Paterson obtains finding of fundamental dishonesty

James Paterson obtains finding of fundamental dishonesty. Representing the Defendant in a claim for personal injury the Court dismissed the claim determining the same to be fundamentally dishonest. A finding was made that the Claimant had substantially affected the presentation of his case by representing that he had difficulties in, and indeed required assistance with, self-care during a period in which he was found on social media to be undertaking “strenuous and arduous” fell walking. District Judge Derbyshire determined that the Claimant’s case on injury was ‘entirely inconsistent’ and that ’the Claimant has lied’. The Claimant was ordered to pay the Defendant’s costs of the action on an indemnity basis pursuant to CPR44.16.

With thanks to Sian Owens-Atkins of Clyde & Co for their instruction

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