Ciaran Rankin

Year of Call: 1988, Lincoln's Inn

Ciaran rankin
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Historically Ciaran has prosecuted and defended all areas of Crime. 

More recently his practice has developed into representing individuals who have been accused of the most serious of sexual offences and prosecuting at the GMC.

He is decisive in dealing with people and explain their options in a clear unfettered way. This is very often unpalatable advice.

Ciaran deals with a wide range of personalities and treat each individual with respect patience and courtesy.

I supplement this work with sitting in the Crown Court as a Recorder. This is an experience I thoroughly enjoy and it has allowed me to develop my skills as an advocate as a result of judging and witnessing others who appear before me.

I have been fully trained in the use of Section 28 YJCEA 1999 regarding the questioning of vulnerable witnesses.


I appear as the presenting officer on behalf of the General Medical Council on cases as diverse as misconduct cases and clinical cases. These all involve the close analysis of detailed and complex material.

I have experience in conducting Inquests, representing local authorities ties as well as companies and private individuals.

In the Coroner's Court he has been instructed by Local Authorities the NMC and the MDU to act on behalf of doctors nurses and other medical professionals. He has been instructed in Article 2 Inquests. He appears regularly in the MPTS.

ISE Appeal

Ciaran has recently represented the Institution of Structural Engineers in an Appeal in London in a complex appeal dealing with the Party Wall etc Act 1996 and the breaches of the ISE Codes of Conduct by a a member of the Institute. He was described as calm, diligent and having an excellent approach to a situation, praise which is quite rare for the Institution. The Tribunal’s decision was in accordance with Ciaran's submissions and the appeal was refused.


My solicitor employed the services of an excellent barrister in Ciaran Rankin, who is very knowledgeable, friendly and reassuring. I felt in safe hands throughout. - May 2022

Google Review May 2022

Notable Cases

  • Inquest touching upon the death of MM (2022)

    Representing a residential home specialising in dementia patients. The home faced some serious criticisms - including fraud. Suggestions of neglect not substantiated.

  • Inquest touching upon the death of SG (2021)

    Acting on behalf of the Council.

    Hanging of a young girl who had been under the care of The Council Safeguarding and Sexual Exploitation teams.

    This was an extremely sensitive case as issues arose relating to the Councils understanding and dealings with the religious and cultural beliefs of the family of the deceased.

    The conclusion was suicide and criticism of the opportunities missed by the authorities followed.

  • Inquest touching upon the death of NW (2021)

    Acting for the family in an Art 2 inquest with a jury into the death by suicide of a young man in custody. He was suffering from and receiving treatment for mental health problems. He died having placed a ligature around his neck whilst in his cell. The deceased had a history of doing this.

    The Inquest considered the issues with the handover of NW between two prisons.

    The inquest also considered the individual and systemic issues within the two prisons and the two separate health care providers within those prisons.

  • Inquest touching upon the death of RB (2021)

    Acting for a Care Worker. The deceased was involved with a series of agencies because of her mental health issues. Article 2, Suicide, Misadventure and Neglect raised as issues.

  • Inquest touching upon the death of FM (2021)

    An inquest in relation to a death of a new born baby. Factually and legally complicated matter where the inquest considered the individual and systemic issues within the hospital. Neglect raised and found as part of conclusion.

  • Inquest

    Instructed by the Royal College of Nursing on behalf of a psychiatric nurse following the death of a patient in the secure hospital. The patient had been sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

    The patient had significant mental health problems and the nurse had been assigned as the team leader dealing with the patient.

    Following questioning of the management of the secure unit and an investigation into the internal procedures in place Nurse Evans was exonerated and returned to practice.

  • Crime

    Represented prison officer who was accused of assaulting a prisoner. It was said that he was one of group of officers who inflicted quite severe injuries to a heavily convicted but very vulnerable prisoner in Forest Bank. He was acquitted after a 9 day trial.

    He has also been advised about his employment situation and a large pay out may follow as he was dismissed form his post long before any verdict was returned.

  • R-v-Martin Campbell.

    Sexual Offences

    Prosecuting the sexual abuse of the defendant who sexually assaulted two of his biological daughters when they were approximately aged 10 and also his second cousin when she was aged 17. After a 10 day trial it resulted in a conviction and a sentence of 18 years.

  • R v H

    Represented a defendant who was a Foster parent accused of raping one of his foster children. It involved lengthy and difficult cross-examination of young and vulnerable witnesses. The case involved a detailed analysis of social service, school and medical records relating to the girls in question.

    The defendant was acquitted after trial.

  • R v A

    A case that attracted national media interest. The defendant was accused of neglect of her six children.

    She had been disciplining them with the use of a BB gun. She used to chastise the children when they failed to do as instructed by firing the gun at them and wounding them. Following lengthy discussions with the prosecution and close analysis of the evidence the defendant pleaded guilty.

    I was able to mitigate in such a way as to ensure that she did not go to prison.

    Her co-defendant got an immediate term of imprisonment.

  • R v R

    I am currently prosecuting this case where the defendant is alleged to have raped his biological daughter from the age of 4 to 14 years old. I have dealt with the interview edits, the bad character application, the disclosure and the drafting of the indictment.

    The defendant is represented by Queens Counsel and the trial is pending.

  • R v Fr

    Instructed to represent defendant who is alleged to have raped a 7 year old girl as part of an orgy.

    The trial is pending.

  • Lancashire FA v PM

    Professional Discipline

    A disciplinary hearing where PM was accused of bringing the game into disrepute because of language directed at an opponent on the pitch.

  • R v Bond

    The Beast of Blackpool - Sexual assault trial involving human rights issues

  • R v McCluskey


    One of the first criminal cases regarding the use of "Special Counsel" in relation to PII matters against the background of police corruption.

  • R v Ramsden


    The first Murder trial outside London dealing with the Anonymity of Witnesses.

  • AG of the Falkland Islands v McDonald

    Sexual Offences

    The first conviction by jury in the islands history and the longest sentence ever handed down in the case relating to historical sexual offences.


  • Northern Circuit Committee Member - 2008
  • Recorder - 2009
  • Prosecuting on behalf of Lancashire Rugby Football Union - 2012
  • Approved Counsel for the Falkland Islands
  • CPS RASSO Panel
  • Sex Ticketed Recorder

Professional Associations

  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Northern Circuit
  • Health and Safety Lawyers Association


  • Abbey Grammar School Newry
  • London - LLB (Hons)